Friday, November 9, 2012

All About Vaccines and Kidneys


  1. I just read your link regarding vaccines. My son was diagnosed at 5 with nephrotic syndrome MCD. He's relapsed about 14 times since then and he's now 9. At the age of 6 his nephrologist recommended very strongly to have my son receive a flu shot. I listened politely and then made an appointment with his pediatric naturopathic doctor. We discussed what flu virus was infecting people that flu season and which vaccine they were distributing that year. Needless to say I didn't get the shot and I refuse to get any vaccines while my son is on two strong immune suppressants (Tacrolimus and when relapsing prednisone at 80 mg a day)
    You have to think outside the box when it comes to NS and immunizations. Better yet, just don't do it. When it comes to viruses I treat all my children with essential oils from doTerra which work amazing and nutrition. Most of the supplements you are i giving your daughter I have been giving to my son. Gluten free is what we are doing now and he's in remission. Hoping he will stay that way for a long time. May God continue to richly bless you with strength, wisdom and His love abundantly.
    BTW the cookbook my Jessica Seinfeld "Deceptively Delicious" has a wonderful recipe for brownies that include carrot and spinach. I use organic brown sugar however I'm looking for a sugar replacement for this recipe such as stevia. Any suggestions are appreciated.

  2. Thanks so much for your post! That's wonderful you son in now in remission, it's amazing how changing diet and using natural things can make such a great impact on ones health!
    I am familiar with the cook book "deceptively delicious", however, I am not sure what a good substitution for sugar would be in a recipe like that. I would normally say honey or applesauce, but I don't think those would do well in brownies!
    Thanks for your post!

    1. Hello to you 3 years later! :) My son is now 12 and relapse free for two glorious years. Couple things happened at the same time. The tacrolimus didn't really help after taking it for almost two years. Our specialist added CellCept which is another very strong immune suppressant. At the same time I put him on adult doses of whole food vitamins and fish oil. Also we switched to the probiotic Renadyl which is made especially for kidney patients. I buy it online. He's grown 5 inches and in puberty stage. I'm told because of the increased testosterone it somehow causes NS to go into remission. He isn't off his meds yet but his doctor hasn't increased it either. Given his age/height/weight he should be on twice as much dosage but there's no point since he's body is quiet. Funny story: we are at the nephrologist office and she says 'it's important that he eats yogurt every day' I said, 'well, he's on a probiotic that is 43 billion in strength and he takes it 2x a day. Wouldn't that be like eating over a gallon of yogurt?' We had a nice laugh over it. It's very comforting and inspiring to see your blog is helping others. May God richly bless you and your family!

  3. BTW I know my profile symbol has changed. Sorry for the confusion. It's still me...Jennifer McIntosh and JenMc are the same person.
